Příští kongres SVU v Bratislavě | 16. 3. 1998 |
Po třech předchozích kongresech Československé společnosti pro vědy a umění (SVU), založené a převážně působící v USA, které se konaly v České republice, se její příští kongres, pořádaný u příležitosti 40. výročí jejího založení, bude konat v Bratislavě ve dnech 5. až 10. července 1998 pod záštitou bratislavského primátora, bratislavských universit a vysokých škol, Slovenské akademia věd a dalších instituci:
CZECHOSLOVAK SOCIETY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES (SVU) announces Anniversary SVU World Congress Bratislava, July 5-10, 1998 The Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences (SVU) invites you and your friends to participate in the forthcoming SVU World Congress, nineteenth in number, commemorating the 40th anniversary of our Society. After three previous Congresses in the Czech Republic, this Congress will assemble for the first time in the Slovak Republic - in Bratislava - July 5-10, 1998. The Congress is organized under the auspices of Lord Mayor of Bratislava and the major Slovak academic institutions, including Comenius University, Slovak Technical University, City University Bratislava, Economic University, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, Slovak National Museum, and the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The aim of the Congress, with its central theme "Sciences and the Arts on the Eve of the 21st Century," is to promote creative and open dialogue between scholars, artists and other professionals on important issues facing our civilization in the next century. Papers on other topics will also be included In addition to a varied and highly stimulating program of lectures and panel discussions, the participants will have an opportunity to take part in a number of exciting and enjoyable social and cultural events.There will also be ample opportunity to visit memorable historic sites and enjoy beautiful Slovak countryside with its famed wineries and other quaint romantic spots. It would be a great vacation as well. This will be a pivotal event in 1998 and we are hopeful therefore that you will attend. Please respond promptly in order that we can proceed with the Congress planning. We have found great accommodations for the Congress participants in one of the choice Slovak visitor centers for bargain prices where most of the events will also take place. Some of the Congress expenses may also be tax-deductible. Persons interested in actively participating should send us the titles of their proposed talks. There is still time to include in the program a particular session or symposium which you would like to organize. Anybody interested, either in active or passive participation, should immediately contact the SVU President, Mila Rechcigl, 1703 Mark Lane, Rockville, MD 29852 tel. / FAX: (301) 881-7222 e-mail: rechcigl@aol.com. The registration forms will be sent to you promptly. You cannot afford to miss this unforgettable event.